
Our production systems are at a pivotal stage in terms of meeting consumer demand for affordable food while improving sustainability. Current intensive crop production practices designed to maximize yield have created an unstable, fragile, and non-sustainable production system. Such systems are prone to reduced soil quality, frequent insect and disease resurgence, emergence of resistant weed species, reduced food quality, and detrimental effects on the health and well-being of our communities. With increasing awareness among consumers of produce quality, nutritional value, methods of crop production and effects of production techniques on the environment, there has been a strong move to improve the quality of our production systems. Grower response to this change has been supportive. Growers have shown interest in developing resilient and stable production systems through the adoption of production practices that enhance soil health, crop productivity, and improve long-term farm sustainability and profitability. This chapter will highlight various production techniques, practices, and tools employed by vegetable growers to improve sustainability of their production systems. Such practices emphasize the use of natural processes within farming systems, often called ‘ecologically sound’ practices which build resilience through synergies and complementarities within the field, the farm, and across our landscape and communities. Some of the key practices include conservation (or reduced) tillage systems, cover cropping, crop diversity including crop rotations and intercropping, use of suitable crop cultivars, efficient water use, sound nutrient management plans, and integrated pest management. Sustainable production systems are complex and dynamic and can involve diverse number of production practices. This chapter will also illustrate inherent challenges and trade-offs that growers could face while adopting such practices.

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