
Problems Statement and Purpose. The article has developed a general methodological scheme for evaluating recreational and tourist potential on the basis of a combined use of a set of qualitative scales and expert evaluation of qualitative indicators and characteristics that do not have a quantitative expression. The purpose of this article is the methodological development of a qualimetric assessment of recreational and tourist potential (RTP) as a new direction for assessing the terms and resources of recreation and tourism activity (RTA). The core problem of the qualimetric evaluation of the RTP remains quantitative representation of qualitative differencing and multi-dimensional characteristics. The novelty of the study is to substantiate the methodological principles of qualimetric assessment of RTP and develop a general methodological scheme of this approach. Data & Methods. The through methodological and methodological problem of evaluation of recreational and tourist potential is the absolute predominance of qualitative characteristics and indicators of recreational conditions and resources. The widespread practice of their ball valuation and scaling is not correct, since the score of real quantitative relationships do not have qualimetric scales enable to arrange qualitatively and semi-ranking of resource characteristics and indicators, and their evaluation by social methods – expert assessment, questionnaires and specialized investments, brings close recreational and tourist potential to quantitative expression. Results. The general methodical scheme of RTP assessment provides an integral comparison of all components of recreational environments without reducing the qualitative and quantitative diversity of the latter. Its methodological feature is the use of principles and methods of qualimetric analysis of conditions and resources of RTA. The main stage of qualimetric assessment of RTP is its representation in the form of a “pyramid” – an integrated hierarchical set of conditions and resources for recreation and recreation of the population, which is called the “tree of goals”. In our developments, such a formalization of RTP is designated by the professional term graph of recreational and tourist potential-graph of RTP. One of the main guidelines of our work is the development of a general methodological scheme for evaluating RTP using qualimetric estimates. The general methodological scheme for assessing RTP based on the combined use of all the main scales – identification, ordinal, interval, distances, as well as using expert and social (survey) methods for assessing recreational conditions and resources includes eight main stages and presents the following sequence of actions and operations.

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