
The article presents and characterizes the most important approaches to the development of professional competence of wind performers, namely personality-oriented, competence, creative, anthropological, historical, cultural, synergetic, holistic (holism), axiological, and acmeological.Each of the approaches does not exist in isolation from each other; the opportunities for the formation of professional skills necessary for implementation in future music and performance activities are built in the process of close cooperation.The personality-oriented approach is the core of education in higher education institutions, because it is based on the student’s personality, which is the highest value of the pedagogical process as a whole.According to the anthropological approach, human is the main subject and object of the educational process, in the first place the awareness of human value, freedom, and the right to creative and personal self-development. The axiological approach has become a promising area in the understanding of values. The highest value of it is the personality of the student. The acmeological approach can be considered as one of the bases for personal development and growth of the future wind instrument performer to the level of a professional.Professional training of wind performers will certainly be effective and purposeful under the conditions of general didactic (scientific; continuity; systematicity and consistency; accessibility and clarity; connection of theory with practice; interdisciplinary links; combination of different forms and methods of teaching; clarity) and special principles.The peculiarity of the acquisition of performing competence by wind musicians in higher education institutions can be considered the separation of the following special principles that help to reveal the approaches and means of forming professional skills: the principle of integration; the principle of activating the creative activity sphere; the principle of humanistic orientation.
 Keywords: approaches; principles; wind instruments performers; professional competence; higher education institutions; executive activity; integration; art education branch

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