
Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC) is a common element of the abilities and gestures of many occupational and sports, such as walking, running and jumping. The natural form of muscle function involves use of SSC muscle actions in which preactivated muscle is first stretched, eccentric action, and then followed by the shortening, concentric action [Carvalho, 2002]. On several different problems of biomechanics, as the study and characterization of a phenomenon mechanism, such as SSC, is given by a broad set of measures or variables, strongly correlated with each other, for which assessment, it is necessary to reduce dimensionality of the DataSet, while preserving maximum variability of original data. Comparison and evaluation of associated phenomena to SSC make it necessary the determination of the relationship between concerned variables. Several types of classifiers have been used to reduce dimensionality of the human locomotion data, in addition to the extraction of information about the movement pattern of an individual, a population or a phenomenon under study, namely in gait analysis [Vaughan, 1999], but not in SSC.

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