
ABSTRACT Prince Henri d'Orleans, precluded by French law from serving his country in the profession of arms, had his attention turned early towards exploration. In 1889, accompanied by the experienced traveller Gabriel Bonvalet, he set out from Paris to reach Indo-China overland by way of Central Asia, Tibet and western and south western China. The journey made contributions in the problems of the whereabouts of Lap Nor and the configuration of the then unexplored northern plateau of Tibet; and in botany it produced some species new to science. The party reached Indo-China in 1890. In 1895, having organised an expedition better equipped for topographical survey and for investigations in the fields of natural history and ethnography, Prince Henri set out from Hanoi with the intention of exploring the Mekong through the Chinese province of Yunnan. After proceeding up the left bank of the Salween for a brief part of its course and then alternating between the right and left banks of the Mekong as far up as T...

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