
We show how topologically stable superheavy magnetic monopoles and primordial black holes can be generated at observable levels by the waterfall field in hybrid inflation models based on grand unified theories. In SU(5) ×U(1) χ grand unification, the monopole mass is of order 4 × 1017 GeV, and it carries a single unit (2 π /e) of Dirac magnetic charge as well as screened color magnetic charge. The monopole density is partially diluted to an observable value, and accompanied with the production of primordial black holes with mass of order 1017–1019 g which may make up the entire dark matter in the universe. The tensor to scalar ratio r is predicted to be of order 10-5–10 -4 which should be testable in the next generation of CMB experiments such as CMB-S4 and LiteBIRD. The gravitational wave spectrum generated during the waterfall transition is also presented. The observed baryon asymmetry can be explained via leptogenesis.

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