
This instrumental study analyzes the internal structure, reliability and the validity of the Aggressive Sexual Behavior Inventory (ASBI) and provides the first psychometric data of Hispanic samples. For this purpose, the ASBI, the STAXI – 2, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale were applied in two samples consisting of respectively 227 and 699 men, all of them Salvadorian university students. The results do not support the multidimensional structure which was proposed originally by the authors of the ASBI, being the usage of total scores more recommended. This one-dimensional structure presents Cronbach alpha values of 0.90 and 0.85 in each sample. Evidence was found that this Spanish version of the ASBI has an adequate conver-gent and divergent validity. Finally, the influence of social desirability in the evaluation of aggressive sexual behaviour in men is discussed.

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