
Although sequences of uncorrelated random dots can yield a wide range of illusorily coherent motion percepts (including translation, rotation, contraction, expansion, shear, and rebounding motion), past priming studies have relied on two-alternative forced choice tasks that only measure unidirectional (positive or negative) priming effects. In Experiment 1 we showed that when participants are primed with unidirectional motion and given an additional option to report bidirectional (rebounding) motion, they do so frequently, suggesting that unidirectional motion can "default" to a rebounding percept. Furthermore, rebounding percepts are more prevalent during trials with long frame durations, suggesting a role for attention in forming and maintaining these illusory percepts. In Experiment 2 we compared rebounding percepts that followed unidirectional, drifting primes with rebounding percepts that followed bidirectional, rebounding primes, and found that these two types of illusory rebounding motion percepts differ systematically in their temporal structures. We argue that rebounding percepts following drifting primes can be understood as a breakdown of positive priming into an underlying oscillatory state, whereas rebounding percepts following rebounding primes may be understood either as (1) the initialization of the same oscillatory process, or (2) the entrainment of a two-step motion pattern by a higher-order mechanism.

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