
In Methanococcus voltae, a 3.0 kbp HindIII fragment carrying homology to nifH was recently cloned. In Escherichia coli maxicells, the fragment directed the synthesis of a 30 K polypeptide encoded by the region homologous to nifH. Plasmids carrying the fragment did not complement Klebsiella pneumoniae nifH mutants and did not inhibit the nitrogen fixation of a Nif+ strain. The complete nucleotide sequence of the nifH homologous region was determined. It contained an open reading frame (ORFnifH) of 834 bp encoding 278 amino acid residues (mol. wt. 30,362). The ORFnifH was surrounded by regions of very high A+T content as observed with other mc. voltae genes. The region upstream from ORFnifH contained potential prokaryotic-like promoters and a potential ribosome binding site located 5 bp preceding the translation initiation codon. Using a translational fusion to lacZ of a DNA fragment carrying the putative promoter region and the 5′ end of ORFnifH, it was shown in E. coli that (i) a promoter activity was effectively carried by the cloned fragment and (ii) this activity was not significantly modified by the presence of nifA or ntrC products provided by multicopy plasmids. Though the codon usage was characteristic of Mc. voltae, ORFnifH was very similar to eubacterial nifH genes, in particular the position of the cysteine residues was highly conserved. These data confirmed the high conservation of nifH sequences. SAB values (binary matching coefficients) of 0.5 were found with eubacterial nifH genes at the nucleotide or amino acid level suggesting that the mc. voltae ORFnifH sequence was distantly related to eubacterial nifH sequences.

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