
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of beta-blockers for primary prevention of bleeding esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis. Material and methods. A retrospective study included 46 patients with liver cirrhosis of various etiology having II-III stage esophageal varices. All the patients were divided into two equal groups. The basic group was made up of 23 (50 %) patients who were prescribed beta-blockers at recommended dosages continuously over the observation period from 2009 till 2018 for the purpose of primary prevention of bleeding esophageal varices. The control group included 23 (50 %) patients with liver cirrhosis in whom the primary prevention of the bleedings was not performed. Results. The assessment of the effectiveness of beta-blockers was performed with two indicators: the frequency of bleeding esophageal varices and their mortality. The application of beta-blockers made it possible to reduce the bleeding frequency from 34.8 % to 13 % (р = 0.10) and the mortality from 21.7 % to 0 % (р = 0.02). Conclusion. In order to detect early stages of esophageal varices, endoscopic screening should be performed for all patients with liver cirrhosis. The presence of II-III stage esophageal varices requires primary prevention of the bleedings. The drug-of-choice are non-selective beta-blockers. Timely and adequately prevention reduces the risk of the bleedings and their mortality.

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