
In this report from South India, 15 patients with primary pleural mesothelioma have been diagnosed in the 25-year period 1, April 1966 through 31, March 1991, representing 0.02% of 76,239 biopsies received. The patients were mainly male with a mean age of 46.5 years. All except two had lived in urban Bangalore. None had been exposed to asbestos. The presentation clinically was peculiar, being continuous pricking pain, breathlessness, and cough with sputum. Physical and roentgenogram examination showed massive pleural effusion with irregular pleural thickening. Thoracotomy findings showed a distinct sessile nodularity with many slit-like spaces. Histologically, 14 were epithelial type mesotheliomas and 1 was a sarcomatous type. While the epithelial type neoplasms showed patchy squamoid differentiation, all showed mucin production. The CEA was always observed in areas of moderate differentiation. Spread occurred centrifugally to local structures on the same side as the lesion.

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