
An Intermittent irrigation method of rice cultivation aims to reduce water requirements. In Indonesia local rice varieties have the potential to produce high-yielding rice with the itermittent irrigation method to meet food needs in Indonesia. The study about Nutrient uptake, root development, and crop growth analysis of several local rice varieties with intermittent irrigation method aims to determine the suitability of intermittent and continuous flooding irrigation techniques on local rice varieties and to study the response of various local rice varieties to the Nutrient uptake, root development, and crop growth analysis. The research has been conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The method used was the experimental method carried out with field research with an 4 x 2 factorial design of the treatment arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor was rice varieties which consist of 4 varieties, i.e. Rojolele, Pandanwangi, Mentik Wangi, and Ciherang. The second factor was the method of irrigation consisting of 2 kinds, i.e. intermittent irrigation and continuous flooding. Data was analysed with analysis of variance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at α=5%. The results showed that rice varieties had different responses to macro nutrient uptake. The number of productive tillers of the Cianjur, Rojolele genjah, and Ciherang varieties is greater than the Mentikwangi variety, while the total number of tillers of the Rojolele variety is even greater than the Mentikwangi variety. SRI irrigation can increase the harvest index, whereas conventional irrigation has a higher Crop Growth Rate than SRI irrigation.

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