
BACKGROUND: Primary Lumbar hernias are rare posterolateral abdominal wall defect. Rarity of disease and by virtue of its location there is no standard consensus for surgical options and traditionally it is approached through open repair. Therefore, we report a series of 10 patients from two institutions who underwent successful Laparoscopic mesh repair of Lumbar hernias with technical description of surgery. AllSTUDY DESIGN: patients with primary lumbar hernias total number of 10 who presented to two institute over a period of 12 years (Feb 2010 to April 2022) and underwent Laparoscopic mesh repair were included in the study. Data collected regarding intraoperative and postoperative course with 2-24 months postoperative follow up were reviewed retrospectively. All of the 10 patients underwent Laparoscopic repair withRESULTS: polypropylene mesh placement over the defect in retroperitoneal space without the primary closure of defect. All patients had uneventful intraoperative and postoperative course with average length of hospital stay of 1.3 days. No complications were reported and there was no recurrence during follow up for 2-24 months. Lumbar hernia being a rare entity, there is lack of sufcient data precludes aCONCLUSION: standardized approach. On the basis of data from our case series of 10 patients we believe Laparoscopic mesh repair for primary lumbar hernia is the best available treatment option considering it safe, effective, gives intraoperatively better visualization of anatomy even at difcult retroperitoneal space and uneventful postoperative course with decreased hospital stay and no recurrences in follow-up.

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