
A 49 year-old male presented a complaint of pain, numbness, and swelling on the posterior right part of the jaw. The patient revealed that he treated teeth 35 and 36 at another dentist, who opened both in an attempt to relieve the pain, without success. Upon intraoral examination, a hardened expansion was detected, affecting the region related to teeth 31 to 47, causing a buccal-lingual osseous expansion, with intact mucosa. The panoramic radiography showed a non-defined radiolucent area, suggestive of osseous rarefaction. The occlusal jaw radiography showed sunbeam-like osseous expansions, leading to the hypothesis of intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcoma. An incisional biopsy was performed. The histopathological analysis showed malignant epithelial cells proliferating inside the bone marrow, at its margins, and outside the osseous tissue, suggesting an intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma. The patient was referred to an oncology hospital to treat the disease surgically, with concomitant radio and chemotherapy. A 49 year-old male presented a complaint of pain, numbness, and swelling on the posterior right part of the jaw. The patient revealed that he treated teeth 35 and 36 at another dentist, who opened both in an attempt to relieve the pain, without success. Upon intraoral examination, a hardened expansion was detected, affecting the region related to teeth 31 to 47, causing a buccal-lingual osseous expansion, with intact mucosa. The panoramic radiography showed a non-defined radiolucent area, suggestive of osseous rarefaction. The occlusal jaw radiography showed sunbeam-like osseous expansions, leading to the hypothesis of intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcoma. An incisional biopsy was performed. The histopathological analysis showed malignant epithelial cells proliferating inside the bone marrow, at its margins, and outside the osseous tissue, suggesting an intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma. The patient was referred to an oncology hospital to treat the disease surgically, with concomitant radio and chemotherapy.

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