
Under the influence of dietary selection pressure, the intracellular compartmentalization of alanine:glyoxylate amino-transferase (AGT) has changed on many occasions during the evolution of mammals. In some mammals, AGT is peroxisomal in others it is mainly mitochondrial while in yet others it is more-or-less equally divided between both organelles. Although in normal human liver AGT is usually found exclusively within the peroxisomes, in some individuals a small proportion (≈5%) is found also in the mitochondria. This apparently trivial intracellular redistribution of AGT is caused by the presence of a Pro 11Leu polymorphism which allows the N-terminus of AGT to fold into a conformation ( ie a positively-charged amphiphilic α-helix) which functions as a mitochondrial targeting sequence. In one third of patients with the autosomal recessive disease primary hyperoxaluria type 1, there is a further redistribution of AGT so that the great majority (≈90%) is located in the mitochondria and only a small minority (10%) in the peroxisomes. AGT cannot fulfil its proper metabolic role in human liver ( ie glyoxylate detoxification) when located in the mitochondria. This erroneous compartmentalization is due to the presence of a Gly 170Arg mutation superimposed upon the Pro 11Leu polymorphism. The Gly 170Arg mutation appears to have no direct effect on mitochondrial targeting and is predicted tlo enhance mitochondrial important of AGT by interfering with its peroxisomal targeting and/or import. The mitochondrial targeting sequence generated by the Pro 11Leu polymorphism is not homologous to that found in the AGT of other mammals which localise AGT within the mitochondria normally. The identity of the peroxisomal targeting sequence in AGT is unkown, but the Gly 170Arg mutation is found in a highly conserved region of the protein which might be involved in some aspect of the peroxisomal import pathway for AGT.

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