
ABSTRACT: Primary health care is a policy model Which integrates social principles into the functioning of the health system at the local level. There is increasing interest in primary health care policy development and in the implementation of primary health care due in part to: the challenge which primary health care raises to existing practice in health service planning and delivery; the changes in roles of health service professionals and consumers which primary health care demands, and the claims on resources which the implementation of primary health care may engender.The conceptual basis of primary health care demands that decision‐making be devolved to the local level. The organisational structure of the public health care system in Queensland, since regionalisation in July 1991, provides an environment which favours this localised decision‐making. The Darling Downs Regional Health Authority, one of 13 regional health authorities in Queensland, released a ‘Primary Health Care Discussion Paper’ as an element in its strategy for primary health care implementation at the regional level. This paper was intended to demystify the concept, raise the level of debate and stimulate discussion about how primary health care might affect health professionals and the community.This article analyses that discussion paper to illuminate the concept of primary health care emerging in the region and in Queensland Health. It also identifies potential barriers to the implementation of primary health care and outlines activities being undertaken in the region which illustrate ways in which primary health care can be manifested in local communities.

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