
The yeast, Cryptococcus is widely present in the environment. Its main portal of entry is the respiratory tract. Clinical and experimental evidences indicate that cryptococcosis is usually a reactivation of a dormant infection. They have been recovered from soil contaminated with avian excreta, especially pigeon droppings and from decaying wood, fruits, vegetables and dust. Cryptococcusmay be found on skin of healthy subjects without causing any manifestation but it is known to cause life threatening infection in immunocompromised hosts. Primary Cutaneous Cryptococcosis (PCC) is an uncommon condition which is characterised by localised cryptococcal skin eruptions without dissemination to internal organs. Clinicians are aware of the typical presentation of cryptococcal infections occurring mostly in immunocompromised patients. Rare manifestations like PCC may go unnoticed leading to prolonged morbidity and health care cost. The present article is a case report of PCC in a 39-year-old immunocompetent male who presented with two months history of scattered erythematous indurated papules and plaques on his right foot, arm and abdominal region developed after having suffered minor injury at the cement factory. The patient was started on fluconazole to which he responded well.

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