
To the Editor.— Dermatological lesions in systemic aspergillosis often have been recorded. 1,2 Primary cutaneous aspergillosis is, however, a rare disease. 1 This communication reports a case of primary cutaneous aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus terreus . Report of a Case.— A 26-year-old woman had a small chronic ulcerating swelling of one year's duration on the right tibia. The patient did not give a history of trauma. X-ray examination showed no bone involvement. There was no systemic abnormality, and the chest x-ray film was clear. Blood investigations (differential cell count and blood glucose determination) were also within normal limits. Urinalysis revealed albuminuria (1+ ). The patient's condition was diagnosed as possible malignant tumor. Biopsy specimens of skin were removed for histological and mycological examination. Tissue sections showed presence of granulation tissue in the dermis with diffuse infiltration of neutrophils and round cells. There was no evidence of a neoplasm. Clumps of

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