
Shahana Mazumdar MS, DNB C 404 SomVihar Apartments R K Puram sector 12, New Delhi 110022 E-mail: shahana.mazumdar@gmail.com *Address for correspondence Primary intraocular lymphomas are rare malignancies and maybe either primary vitreore nal lymphomas or primary uveal lymphomas. Though primary vitreore nal lymphomas are increasingly being recognized, primary uveal lymphomas remain a very rare en ty. Amongst the primary uveal lymphomas, choroidal lymphomas are the commonest, followed by iris lymphomas and the least commonly reported are primary ciliary body lymphomas with only a couple of case reports.1,2 The ciliary body involvement is more commonly secondary to iridal or choroidal lymphomas.3-5 We are repor ng one such rare case of primary uveal lymphoma involving mainly the ciliary body with choroidal and epibulbar extension. This diagnosis was possible with the use of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and episcleral biopsy. The pa ent underwent Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) with complete regression of the tumor and no recurrence or systemic lymphoma 2 years post treatment. It is important to recognize this en ty as it can mimic condi ons with graver prognosis such as a melanoma. Primary uveal lymphomas have a more benign course and respond drama cally to radiotherapy.

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