
Parental beliefs and motivation are instrumental in improving childhood digital media use (DMU). Parents (n = 611) completed questionnaires about childhood DMU assessing knowledge, interest in counseling, motivation to change, self-efficacy, and beliefs. Less than a third correctly recognized screen time limits. Twenty-seven percent received childhood DMU information from a doctor, while 46% stated they would like such information. Only 2% had a doctor-recommended DMU plan. Interest in DMU topics, motivation to improve, and management self-efficacy were moderate. Top negative beliefs were addiction to DMU (52%), sleep problems (39%), obesity (33%), social skills (33%), and inappropriate content (32%). Differences between age categories existed for social (48%, P = .01) and language (14%, P = .01) concerns (highest for toddlers), attention concerns (27%, P = .02; highest in preschoolers), and depression (13%, P < .001) and low self-esteem (8%, P = .04; highest in teens). Findings support further development of approaches to address DMU, tailored by age-specific common parental views.

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