
The description, sources, kinds, uses, and/or functions of primary and secondary metabolites as byproducts of microbial metabolisms from diverse sources, such as plants, microorganisms, including bacteria, actinobacteria, and fungi, as well as their production and classification in a variety of fields, were all examined in this study. However, as climatic changes create conditions that favour recurrent outbreaks of these events, these metabolites serve as a critical requirement for a new pharmaceutical and chemical agents to combat cancers, heart diseases, pest, cytotoxic, mosquito, infectious disease, autoimmune disorder, etc. of both animal and plant. They are also used in the manufacturing of a variety of goods, including alcohols, antioxidants, phytochemicals, bioactive compounds, and food-grade acids (acetic, lactic, fumaric, etc.), as well as several value added goods used in both industrial and human applications. This review has described the useful applications of microbial metabolites in foods, chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as other allied industries which are used for solving the nutritional and health needs of man.

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