
Constipation develops in up to 30% of the adult population of economically developed countries. The main reason for the occurrence of constipation are lifestyle features: inactivity and unbalanced nutrition. During constipation, motor, absorptive and secretory functions of the large intestine change. Treatment of patients with constipation begins after determining the cause of constipation and excluding lesions of the large intestine that could provoke constipation. Both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers should be increased in the diet. The main approach to treatment is the use of combined therapy, and if the effect is insufficient, laxatives administration is recommended.
 Objective — to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of using the multicomponent laxative EasyDo in the treatment of patients with functional constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation.
 Materials and methods. The study involved 28 patients with functional constipation/IBS with constipation, who met the Rome IV criteria (2016). Women prevailed in this group, 19 (68.0%). IBS with constipation was diagnosed in 15 (53.6%) cases, and functional constipation in 13 (46.4%) subjects. Patients were administered EasyDo (Prakruti Products Pvt Ltd, India), which includes a mixture of natural extracts of medicinal plants, namely: Operculina turpethum, Cassia fistula, Terminalia chebula, Glycyrrhiza glabra 2 tablets in the evening. Besides, recommendations were given to change the lifestyle, to add dietary fibers into the diet with individual selection of the dose. The dynamics of the following symptoms were evaluated: lack of regular bowel movement, difficulty in defecation, feeling of incomplete emptying, flatulence, etc. The intensity of each of these symptoms was assessed with the use of a 5‑point Likert scale.
 Results. The analysis of EasyDo effectiveness was carried out after three weeks of the drug administration. All patients noted positive changes, but the degree of positive dynamics was different. After the treatment, the number of bowel movements per week increased. Three or more stools without unproductive straining were recorded in 21 (75%) patients. The severity of complaints in most patients has significantly decreased.
 Conclusions. The obtained results demonstrated the following EasyDo effectiveness: considerable in 21 (75%) patients, moderate in 6 (21.4%) patients, no effects in one (3.6%) patient. The combination of plant components in EasyDo has a mild laxative effect, it is well tolerated and can be recommended in the complex treatment of patients with constipation.

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