
The Primality Testing Problem (PTP) has now proved to be solvable in deterministic polynomial-time (P) by the AKS (Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena) algorithm, whereas the Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) still remains unsolvable in (P). There is still no polynomial-time algorithm for IFP. Many practical public-key cryptosystems and protocols such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) rely their security on computational intractability of IFP. Primality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public Key Cryptography, Second Edition, provides a survey of recent progress in primality testing and integer factorization, with implications to factoring based public key cryptography. Notable new features are the comparison of Rabin-Miller probabilistic test in RP, Atkin-Morain elliptic curve test in ZPP and AKS deterministic test. This volume is designed for advanced level students in computer science and mathematics, and as a secondary text or reference book; suitable for practitioners and researchers in industry. First edition was very positively reviewed by Prof Samuel Wagstaff at Purdue University in AMS Mathematical Reviews (See MR2028480 2004j:11148), and by Professor J.T. Ayuso of University of Simon Bolivar in the European Mathematical Societys review journal Zentralblatt fr Mathematik (see Zbl 1048.11103).

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