
In this paper we explore the importance of financial statements and non-financial value(volatility, media coverage and web metrics) drivers on the pricing of Internet companies,using the relative valuation method and, more specifically, price/sales ratio. Multipleregression analyses were run to determine which value drivers the data supported. Ourresults show that financial statements could not explain about two-thirds of variation inthe price/sales ratio. Moreover, our results suggest that the market values of profitable andunprofitable Internet companies are inherently different. In addition, we find evidence tosupport payout ratio as a value driver for profitable Internet companies reflecting maturation in the Internet industry. At the same time, we also find evidence that Media Mentionsis an explanatory factor in general for unprofitable Internet companies, and not only afteran IPO. We also find sufficient evidence to support number of visits and recent revenuegrowth as important value drivers.

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