
Ever since the modern era has begun, the evolving technological progressions amplified the marketing process of conveying the products and services to the customers where the foremost priority would be based upon their preference and intention to purchase. The key drive of executing this study is to seek the effect of apparel quality, price and digital advertising on the preference of the customers. Moreover, this study involves around four basic dimensions which were used in order to find the influence of independent variables includes price, quality and digital advertisement of apparel brands whereas customer brand preference taken as dependent variable. The following research is quantitative in manner and cast a deductive approach. Further, this study has few questions related to our objective however the solutions of those question is being analyzed through correlation analysis which also express the relationship among the designated variables/dimensions. For the purpose of finding the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, Regression test was carried out for the prior understanding. With the help of data analysis, it can be conclude that all the dimensions have a significant relationship among them however the significant impact of independent variables on the dependent variable has been found. Eventually, there were 239 respondents taken as sample size of population though the respondents are majorly categorized as those who used the mentioned apparel brands and are the residents of metropolitan cities of Pakistan.

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