
Today, terrorism is one of the main security risks for countries across Europe. The so-called virus of extremism is spreading to an increasing number of member states of the European Union and as such represents a strong basis for committing terrorist acts. In order to stop this form of security threat, it is necessary to develop a preventive defense system. Preventive measures in the prevention of terrorism include primarily the activities of the intelligence apparatus, but also the involvement of the family, community, media, etc. Also, international cooperation and communication between security services around the world is of key importance in preventing the spread of the virus of extremism that can turn into terrorism. The process of identifying terrorists and terrorist organizations in order to sanction them and put them under the supervision of competent services is important for the development of a preventive defense mechanism. Preventive activities in the fight against terrorism can be carried out in all socio-political fields and only in this way the preventive mechanism of defense against terrorism can be successful.

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