
The article is devoted to the problems of the prevention of victimization by the investigation and inquiry divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. It defines the main forms and methods of working with the victim during the investigation of a crime aimed at reducing the possibility of again becoming a victim of criminal assault. The organizational and legal directions of victimological prevention are analyzed, the necessity of developing effective mechanisms for assessing the activities of the units of internal affairs agencies in crime prevention is justified.


  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminology, Psychology and Pedagogics of Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Docent

  • The article is devoted to the problems of the prevention

  • with the victim during the investigation of a crime aimed at reducing the possibi­ lity of again becoming a victim

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Немалую роль в преступное деяние привносит жертва: ее личность (биологические, психофизиологические, нравственные качества), поведение до, во время и после совершения преступления, а также особенности взаимоотношений между преступником и жертвой. Криминологами установлено, что, как правило, поведение жертвы преступления так или иначе содействует его совершению (носит провоцирующий, а чаще – способствующий характер).

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