
Finding ways to break school desorientation is a very important and relevant problem for protecting children's health. Due to this reason health saving technologies have been implemented. They help to preserve that level of health which child had before entering the school.Goal. Evaluate influence of healthsaving technologies “Education in Rus” as preventive measures against school desadaptation for young school age children.Materials and research methods. Deep clinic instrumental inspection on 153 children of early school age has been conducted before they have started elementary school in 2013, then in 1 and 2 years ( 2014, 2015) and then after they have finished the school. It has been done in Kiev gymnasium №287 where health saving technology “Education in movement” of professor Dubogai has been implemented (main group (n=65)) and and school №3 which is based in city Boyarka (Kiev Region) where there have been no health saving technologies.After finishing elementary school satisfactorily level in main group based on Bayevsky index had 97,2% of pupils while in comparison group only 33,3%. To determine unique individual psychologic pupils qualities and availability school deadaptation special methods has been used: form to evaluate motivation level (N.G. Luskanovska), Philips anxiety test, projective anxiety test of R. Temml, M. Dorki, V. Amen, parents survey. During Luskanovska test in the beginning of the study in both groups there was a majority of pupils with medium motivation level, 83,1% in main group and 76,1 % в in comparison group. After finishing 4th year of study after implementing health saving technology “Education in movement”, in main group there were no pupils with low motivation level and signs of desadaptation but has increased the portion of children with high motivation level from 12,3 % to 27%. At the same time in comparison group has been increased amount of pupils with low motivation from 6,9% to 15%. During years of observation based on projective anxiety test of R. Temml, M. Dorki, V. Amen it has been seen trustworthy lowering quantity of pupils with high anxiety level in main group from 46,1% to 9,2%, but in comparison group it has increased to 55,7%. In 4 years after implementing Health saving technologies there has been positive dynamics on decreasing the amount of children with high level of anxiety, especially in situations of uncertainty about meeting other people's expectations (from 40% to 4,6%), low physical clumsiness to stress situations (from 26,1% to 4,6%), fear of situation where their knowledge would be tested (from 24,1% to 6,1%). In comparison group majority of children with high anxiety level has increased which had negative impact on health of pupils and their success at school.Conclusion: Implementation of health saving technologies provides the ability to successfully solve problems of preventive measures to prevent school desadaptation and anxiety in direction of preventing anxiety or decreasing it’s level to optimal indexes.


  • They help to preserve that level of health which child had before entering the school

  • Implementation of health saving technologies provides the ability to successfully solve problems of preventive measures to prevent school desadaptation and anxiety in direction of preventing anxiety or decreasing it’s level to optimal indexes

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Проведено поглиблене клініко-інструментальне обстеження 153 дітей молодшого шкільного віку перед початком навчання в початковій школі (2013 р.), через 1 і 2 роки навчання (2014, 2015 рр.) та після закінчення початкової школи (2017 р.) в гімназії No287 м. При виконанні тесту Лусканової на початку навчання обох групах превалювали діти з середнім рівнем мотивації до навчання в школі – 83,1% в основній групі та 76,1 % в групі порівняння. Через 4 роки застосування ЗЗТ в основній групі спостерігалась позитивна динамика щодо зниження кількості дітей з високим рівнем тривожності, особливо в позиціях страху невідповідності очікуванням оточення (з 40% до 4,6%), низькою фізіологічною опірністю до стресових ситуацій (з 26,1% до 4,6%), страхом ситуації перевірки знань (з 24,1% до 6,1%).

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