
A manifestation of the negative influence of the profession on the individual is the appearance of various professional deformations or specific conditions, such as, for example, the phenomenon of mental burnout. Professional deformation means any change caused by the profession that occurs in the body and acquires a permanent character. From this point of view, deformation extends to all aspects of a person's physical and mental organization, which change under the influence of the profession. Traditionally, the understanding of professional deformation is associated with the negative impact of the profession on the psychological characteristics of a person, which complicates his behavior in everyday life and, ultimately, can reduce work efficiency.
 Thus, analyzing the above, we can come to the conclusion: the mechanism of the occurrence of professional deformation has quite complex dynamics and is associated with the consolidation of negative changes in professional activity and in everyday behavior and communication. First, temporary negative mental states appear, then positive qualities begin to disappear. Later, in the place of positive properties, negative mental qualities appear, which change the employee's personal profile. There is a permanent distortion of the configuration of the employee's personal profile, which is a deformation. Professional deformations violate the integrity of the individual; reduce its adaptability, stability; negatively affect professional health and work productivity. All this should be taken into account when working with student youth in order to prevent mental burnout in professional activities.

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