
The strategy for the elimination of diseases associated with iodine deficiency throughout the Russian Federation is based on the adoption of a federal law providing for the use of iodized salt as a means of mass (population) iodine prophylaxis. Chronic iodine deficiency that exists in Russia leads to dramatic consequences: the development of mental and physical retardation in children, cretinism, thyroid diseases, and infertility. Under conditions of iodine deficiency, the risk of radiation-induced thyroid cancer in children in the event of nuclear disasters increases hundreds of times. By definition, all iodine deficiency diseases (IDDs) can be prevented, while changes caused by iodine deficiency during fetal development and in early childhood are irreversible and practically defy treatment and rehabilitation. The actual average consumption of iodine by a resident of Russia is only 40-80 mcg per day, which is 3 times less than theestablished norm (150-250 mcg). Every year, more than 1.5 million adults and 650 thousand children with various thyroid diseases turn to medical institutions. The cause of 65% of cases of thyroid disease in adults and 95% in children is insufficient intake of iodine from the diet. At the stage of preparing the relevant legislative act, the development and implementation of regional programs for the prevention of IDD is of utmost importance. A typical draft of such a program is proposed in this article for its adaptation and use at the regional level.

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