
Elections are instruments or means to implement democracy; in fact, many democratic countries make elections as a symbol as well as a benchmark for democracy. Direct general elections by the people are a means of realizing people's sovereignty in order to produce a democratic state government based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The 1945 Constitution in Article 1 paragraph (2) states that "sovereignty is in the hands of the people and implemented according to the 1945 Constitution." Constitution". Direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair general elections can be realized if they are carried out by general election organizers who have integrity, professionalism and accountability. In the implementation of elections, the role of political participation is important because citizens have surrendered their right to power to political institutions through elections and must not lose their right to defend themselves against possible abuse of power. This approach method is carried out in order to be able to make changes or changes from various theories in the discipline of law through a scientific process. Normative juridical research is research conducted by examining library materials or primary legal materials. This information can be obtained from laws and regulations and articles. Then it is described and linked so that it can be presented in a more systematic writing, in order to answer the problems that have been formulated. The research specification used in this research is descriptive analytical method by explaining, describing, and correlating legal regulations and theories with the problems that occur. The results of the study show that efforts to prevent election violations related to the money politics mode committed by legislative candidates in 2024 can be carried out through several steps, including the government must strictly enforce the law against money politics violations. Increase public education and awareness about the dangers and negative effects of money politics. Improve oversight of expenditures and campaign funding of candidates for legislative members. Communities must be encouraged to actively report any money politics practices they encounter. Establish a reasonable and realistic maximum limit on campaign spending for legislative candidates. This can help reduce the financial gap between candidates and prevent unhealthy money politics practices. Establish an independent institution tasked with overseeing elections and handling violations related to money politics. Conducting education and training related to ethics and integrity to candidates for legislative members. Keywords: Prevention of Election, Money Political, Legislative

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