
Effective prevention of criminal offences in passenger road transport includes the development and implementation of safer infrastructure and modern modification of the safety features of vehicles. It is important to adopt and enforce legal initiatives to reduce the main risks that entail serious traffic accidents. One of the main priorities of appropriate prevention is to improve legal education of the public. The aim of the article was to consider the current state of prevention of criminal offences in passenger road transport on the territory of Europe. Observation and comparative law were the main methodological tools. The conducted research showed that the EU states apply a variety of approaches to the prevention of criminal offences in automobile passenger transport, such as Vision Zero and the systemic approach Safe System with its Sustainable Safety sub-topic. The need to adopt the experience of Sweden and the Netherlands, which have achieved impressive road safety indicators, in Ukraine seems justified. The eCall traffic accident detection and prevention system and the ESRA innovative prevention method can be examples for implementation in Ukraine. Belgium’s school education program Road Safety Weeks is aimed at minimizing teenage drunk driving, speeding, driver fatigue and distraction. The idea of the programme can be implemented into the relevant preventive activities in Ukraine. A promising vector of further scientific research will be a comparative analysis of the implementation of crime prevention on passenger road transport in the EU countries.

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