
Teacher training to prevent aggressive behavior by schoolchildren is a topical issue. This descriptive case study with a quantitative-qualitative approach was carried out with the aim of proposing a set of methodological guidelines that contribute to the training of socially committed teachers, to face the violent attitudes of students and to achieve the training of a capable citizen to live in harmony with others. The study is based on the methods: scientific observation, bibliographic and documentary review, analysis-synthesis and statistics, as well as survey and interview techniques. The main result is given in the methodological guidelines developed from the diagnosis, in which the situation of the High School in El Cobre town of was characterized, marked by few and ineffective ways to carry out prevention and reduce the aggressive manifestations of students, being the most frequent verbal aggression, indiscipline, physical violence, bullying and carelessness of the school infrastructure and facilities. In addition, there are cracks in the relationships of students and their families with the social and school environment, consumption of alcoholic beverages and shortcomings in hierarchical relationships, being the possible causes of aggressive behaviors.

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