
AbstractA review is given of the possible measures against fireblight in countries which so far do not have the disease (the “have–nots”) and in countries which do (the “haves”).In the “have–nots”, precautions can be taken by putting into practice our knowledge of susceptibility and sensitivity of host plants in non–commercial as well as in commercial plantations. Some guidelines are given. Planting of the most susceptible non–commercial host plants should be avoided whilst testing and breeding programs for resistance should be stimulated.In the “haves”, an attempt should first be made to eradicate the disease. Some remarks are made about this point. When eradication has proved to be impossible, special attention should be given to the health of the source material for nurseries. This point is worked out in some detail. Also in the “haves”, preventive measures can and should be taken, inside and outside nurseries and orchards. These measures are specified. In cases where infection is found, the foci should be destroyed as soon as possible, without exception in nurseries and orchards, and preferably also outside these holdings. A number of remarks about this point are made.Only by practising an integrated policy by a combination of the measures mentioned can one achieve a maximum of control and a minimum of damage by this disease.

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