
The article deals with the problem of preventing occupational burnout, the appearance of professional deformations, counteraction to the negative professiogenesis of future childcare teachers of preschool institutions at the stage of their professional training. It describes specific features of preschool education including high degree of responsibility and psychological stress of childcare teachers’ work, complexity and a significant number of job tasks, intensity of communication, a high probability of emergency situations, etc. By interviewing 54 young childcare teachers (their work experience being up to 3 years) from different regions of Ukraine (Kyiv and Ternopil regions), the author brought into sharp focus the practical urgency of the issue of professional deformation of a specialist. The author has come to the conclusion, that yesterday’s graduates of higher education institutions are not ready for full-fledged professional activities, and, most importantly, they are not able to work effectively and ecologically for themselves, and the issues mentioned by the respondents can be considered prerequisites for the appearance of professional deformations and early occupational burnout. Having generalized scientific representations, the author defines professional deformation of a specialist as an integrative concept covering numerous personal changes caused by specialist’s activities, and which subsides due to this by the appearance of professional destructions in the specialist. The author highlights the essence, causes and consequences of professional burnout of preschool education institutions teachers, their early professional deformation, caused by a number of destructive external and internal factors. The author offers ways to update the content and technologies of professional training, to strengthen partnerships with the best practitioners. The essence and specific features of preparation for early professional adaptation of future childcare teachers are treated as factors of activation of purposeful professional development of an individual, their professional self-disclosure and personal fulfillment, the key to preventing stagnation, deformation and burnout. The author has concluded, that the dynamics of professiogenesis of a specialist is not always positive. Therefore, future preschool institution teachers should be prepared for professional challenges, constructive overcoming of crises, negative factors and deformations. Training of future teachers of preschool education institutions involves not only the development of a sustainable set of competencies, but also the ability to continuously improve themselves, activate their own professional approach, which will ensure the professional effectiveness and reliability of childcare teachers and form a constant, conscious need for this. So, a specially developed system of training applicants for the prevention of professional deformations will intensify the professional purposeful development of an individual. It will ensure the gradual professional self-realization of the future specialists and will be the key to preventing them from stress-induced diseases, destructive changes and breakdowns.

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