
Parastomal hernia is a major clinical problem. In a randomized, clinical trial, a prosthetic mesh in a sublay position at the index operation reduced the rate of parastomal hernia at 12-month follow-up, without any increase in the rate of complications. This study was designed to evaluate the rate of complications after 5 years. Between January 2001 and April 2003, 54 patients who had a permanent ostomy were randomized to a conventional stoma or to a stoma with the addition of a mesh in a sublay position. A large-pore, lightweight mesh with a reduced polypropylene content and a high proportion of absorbable material was used. After 5 years, 21 patients with a conventional stoma were alive and parastomal herniation was recorded in 17 patients, of whom repair had been demanded in 5. In 15 patients operated on with the addition of a mesh herniation, that did not require repair, was present in 2 (P<0.001). No fistulas or strictures developed. No mesh infection was noted and no mesh was removed during the study period. At stoma formation, a prophylactic low-weight mesh in a sublay position is a safe procedure that reduces the rate of parastomal hernia.

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