
The objective of the study was to describe and explain variations in rates of hospital admissions for long-term complications of diabetes mellitus in rural and urban Victoria as an indicator of the adequacy of ambulatory care services. The Victorian Inpatient Minimum Database (VIMD), Health Insurance Commission data for 1998, Medical Labour Force Annual Survey 1998, Socioeconomic Indexes for Areas 1996 (SEIFA) and Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) were merged to determine the extent to which hospitalisation for complications of diabetes can be predicted from accessibility and utilisation of general practitioner services. The rural and urban differentials for long-term diabetic complications and their strong relationship with GP services, the degree of remoteness, lack of insurance, and Aboriginality reflect issues related to equity and access, patient and GP education, and inclination to seek care, all of which have implications for planning of primary health services in rural areas. This study describes a model for the analysis of ambulatory care sensitive conditions, and illustrates the important use of routine databases combined with other sources of information in quantifying the impact of factors related to primary care services.

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