
To present within the general field of the conditions causing mental retardation, the preventive strategies for specific application available at the present time.In spite of the fact that in the majority of cases of mental retardation the etiology is unknown, and for that reason, in them it is not possible to establish preventive strategies, within the last three decades, important research advances have helped to prevent thousands of cases of mental retardation of illnesses caused by Haemophilus influenzae B, measles encephalitis, Rh disease and severe jaundice in newborn infants, congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria and congenital rubella; as well as removing lead from the environment, intervention programs for the proper use of seat belts, child safety seats, and motorcycle and bicycle helmets; early and adequate prenatal care, dietary supplementation with folic acid beginning before conception to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, avoidance of toxic substances during pregnancy like alcohol, and the use of newborn screening tests.The primary and secondary prevention of conditions that cause mental retardation continue being a challenge. Require of a review of the present strategies, that frequently inform about the problem, but are not practice in an every day bases (ej. intake of alcohol during pregnancy, the universal use of seat belt and child safety seats during automobile travel). In the future we may have the possibility of prenatal gene therapy.

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