
Objective: to estimate the prevalence of IgM antibodies against Leptospira spp. Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in a population at occupational risk from 8 municipalities of the Tolima department, Colombia. Methodology: blood samples were collected from 261 employees and analyzed with the elisa technique to detect IgM and anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies. This was followed by mat and serotyping. Results: a seroprevalence of 25.29% was estimated, with higher seroreactivity for individuals working at slaughter plants (34.2%), collecting solid waste (27.1%) and those in contact with water and sewage waste (14.8%). Activity in slaughter plants was identified as a risk factor for Leptospira spp. (OR = 1.86). The serovars identified were L. Bratislava (16), Ballum (5), Tarassovi (3), Hebdomadis (2), Sejroe (2), and Icterhemorragiae (1). The municipality of Libano had the highest percentage of positivity (36.96%), followed by Espinal and Guamo with 28.57% each. Discussion: assessment of the current surveillance system for leptospirosis indicated deficient resources and health professionals who are lacking in terms of knowledge regarding appropriate procedures, research on, diagnosis and reporting mechanisms for the disease. Conclusions: leptospirosis is present in public workers with occupational hazard in Tolima. In addition, this issue should be approached while taking into account the population from other municipalities as well as the animals associated with its transmission.

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