
Real-world evidence regarding prevalence, patient characteristics and treatment patterns for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) related to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Japan is limited. We conducted a retrospective study analysing Japan's Medical Data Vision (MDV) database from April-2008 to September-2020. Prevalence, incidence, patient characteristics, treatment patterns and use of vasodilators by treatment line were evaluated. Prevalence of PAH was 0.392% in SLE patients (n=114/29,077). Cumulative incidence was 0.53% (3-years (y)) and 0.77% (5y). Of 114 SLE-PAH patients, 49% developed PAH <1 year from SLE diagnosis. SLE-PAH patients were more female (88% vs. 72%), had lower mean age at SLE diagnosis (53y vs. 56y) and more severe SLE (61% vs 25%), versus non-PAH SLE patients. Glucocorticoids (58%) and vasodilators (27%) were preferred first-line monotherapy for SLE-PAH. Glucocorticoids+immunosuppressants (19%) was predominant first-line combination therapy. Endothelin receptor antagonists (40% and 44%) and nitric oxide analogues (31% and 40%) were dominant first- and second-line vasodilators. SLE-PAH patients were more females, younger at diagnosis, had more severe SLE than non-PAH SLE patients. Most were diagnosed <1 year of SLE diagnosis. In Japan's real-world practice, initial treatment goal is SLE management, while vasodilators are preferred in advanced disease, as per MDV database.

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