
Varicose veins are abnormal, dilated blood vessels caused by weakening in the vessel wall. Causative factors of varicose veins are multifactorial, of which one can be attributed to constant sitting or standing. Today a lot of occupation and profession has sprung up where people are required to either stand or sit for prolong period of time which alarms the risk of getting varicose veins. Women are at higher risk of getting varicose veins as compared to men. There are numerous studies which has proven the relationship of constant standing and varicosities of lower limb, but only few studies are available showing the relationship of constant sitting and prevalence of varicose veins. Thus the aim of this study was to find out the prevalence of varicose veins in female population whose nature of job demands prolong period of sitting hours. 30 women (10 in each group), aged 20-45 years and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled for the study. Each of them were thoroughly examined by means of inspection and palpation for varicose veins. At the end of the study, data was collected and statistically analysed using the appropriate statistical tests. Results of the study showed that out of 30 women 15 were suffering from varicose veins indicating high prevalence of varicose veins in female population having prolong sitting jobs. The prevalence increases with hours of sitting, type of sitting and number of years of occupation. Keywords: varicose veins, prolong sitting jobs, female population.

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