
Myiasis is a parasitic infestation of live vertebrates with the dipteran larvae that grow within the host while feeding on its living or dead tissue. Human myiasis is prevalent among individuals in close association of domestic animals and those inhabiting the unhygienic conditions. Open neglected suppurative wounds are the favourable sites that attract and stimulate the gravid female flies for oviposition. However, the poor personal hygiene, ignorance and the mental illness further add to it. Tracheopulmonary myiasis involves the infestation of foul smelling nasal and oral orifices or neglected wounds like tracheostomal incisions with the parasitic dipteran larvae which may extend up to the trachea, bronchi and lungs leading to serious health complications. Despite the incidence of human tracheopulmonary infestation is rare, the severe medical impediments and heterogeneous worldwide distribution signify the medical importance of this condition. The present manuscript reviews and summarizes the worldwide reported cases of human tracheopulmonary myiasis and the predisposing risk factors for onset of the same, as future reference for parasitologists and medical professionals.

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