
Background: Tobacco and areca nut (AN) are well known risk factors for oral cancer and awareness of these harmful risk habits will reduce the incidence of oral cancer in Sri Lanka. Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya plays a major role in this fight against oral cancer. Hence this study is aimed to evaluate the prevalence of these risk habits among its non-academic staff and their awareness of its harmful effects as they are also responsible stakeholders of the faculty. Method: An institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among 108 non-academic staff members of the faculty using a self-administered questionnaire on risk habit details and their awareness on its harmful effects. Results: Analyzed results revealed that only 4.6% of the sample had tobacco and AN use; betel quid chewing (2.7%) and tobacco smoking (1.8%). However, the awareness on the harmful effects of these products were not very satisfactory as only 48% were overall aware while the unhealthy effects of AN use were known only by 27% of the sample. Contradictorily, 70% of them informed that they have received information regarding the harmful risk habits. Conclusion: It is important to increase awareness among the non-academic staff of the faculty as they become important stakeholders of one of the leading centres in the fight against oral cancer.

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