
This study was carried out to find the prevalence of various plasmid-mediated quinolone-resistant (PMQR) determinants among the quinolone-resistant clinical isolates of Shigella sp. from paediatric patients in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. A total of 106 quinolone-resistant Shigella isolates obtained from paediatric patients during hospital-based surveillance from January 2003 to June 2010 were screened for the presence of various PMQR determinants. Of 106 isolates, 8 (7.5%) showed the presence of aac (6')-Ib-cr and 3 (2.8%) harboured the qnrB genes with 2 (1.9%) of these isolates showing the presence of both. All the 9 isolates had uniform mutations in gyrA (S83L) and in parC (S80I). The prevalence of fluoroquinolone-acetylating aminoglycoside acetyltransferase {aac (6')-Ib-cr} gene is higher than qnrB gene among the clinical Shigella isolates. These PMQR determinants were detected in the Shigella isolates obtained from 2008-2010, indicating that it happens in a stepwise manner following the multiple mutations in quinolone resistance-determining regions increase or extend resistance to quinolones or fluoroquinolones. The prevalence of these genes are of grave concern as it may be horizontally transferred to other human pathogenic bacteria and can lead to therapeutic failure as a consequence of antimicrobial resistance, not only for the islands but also for the entire south-east region. The results obtained should encourage further studies on the implications of the presence, distribution, association and variation of these determinants in our quest for understanding PMQR.

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