
We have surveyed the prevalence of smoking habits and the opinions about it's regulation among 192 students in two different schools (a teachers' and a nursing school) and among 320 employees of the University Hospital of Geneva. Smoking prevalence varies depending on the profession and sex, and remains high considering the level of education of the surveyed population. Among the future school teachers 23% are smokers. In the hospital, the smoking prevalence is 25% in the health professionals and 32% in the administrative and technical staff. As many as 46% of the future nurses are smoking. Obviously much still needs to be done in order to decrease the number of smokers among the health professionals. The majority of the employees questioned, both smokers and non-smokers, were in favor of regulating smoking in the workplace. 91% of the hospital staff, and 86% of the smokers among them, favored a smoke free hospital policy. Restriction of tobacco use in the workplace should be implemented particularly when it is the wish of a majority of employees.

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