
To see the percentage, the different groups affected and pattern of injury by roadtraffic accidents among patients attending a unit of surgery in a teaching hospital. Objectives: Tosee the percentage of trauma among patients admitted in one surgical unit of a tertiary hospitalin one year and to compare this with the patients admitted in all surgical units of same tertiaryunit. To evaluate the pattern of trauma, male to female ratio, affected age groups, mechanismof injury, the organs affected, and the mortality rate in one surgical unit of a tertiary hospital of3rd most populated city of Pakistan during one year. Study Design: Prospective study. Setting:Surgical Unit II at Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Period: January 2009 to February 2010. Materialsand Methods: Patients admitted during this period for road traffic accidents in surgical unit IIof Allied Hospital Faisalabad were 94 (4.8 %) out of total 1956 patients presented and admittedin surgical unit II during this year. Total number of patients admitted in all surgical units of thishospital were 7388 while 21,400, patients received and admitted by all other specialties throughemergency units of Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Patients with road traffic accidents admitted insurgical unit II through emergency unit of this hospital were part of this study. Among these94 patients 78 patients (82.97%) were adults and 18 children (19.14%). Patients with all otheremergencies modalities and minor injuries treated and discharged from emergency wereexcluded from this study. Results: Out of 1956 patients admitted in Surgical Unit II from total 7388of all surgical admissions and 21400 all emergencies ward patients, 94 patients (4.8%, 1.27%,and 0.439% respectively) were injured by road traffic accidents. Out of these 94 patients, 78patients (82.97%) were adults and 18 children (19.14%) patients. 58 patients (61.70%) were malesand 36 patients (38.29%) were females. 43 patients (45.74%) were pedestrians, 10 patients were(10.63%) on bicycles, 26 patients were (27.65%) on motorcycle while 15 patients (15.95%) werein other vehicles. 52 patients (55.31%) developed head injuries, 10 patients (10.93%) blunt traumaabdomen, 5 patients (5.31%) blunt trauma chest and 26 patients (27.65%) skeletal injuries ( 10patients forearm bones fracture, 6 patients with fracture mid-shaft of tibia, another 5 patients withfracture lower 1/3rd of femur and 5 patients with hand bones fracture ). All patients were treated bycombined specialty trauma surgeons. 3 patients (3.19%) died out of which 2 patients (2.12%) withsevere head trauma and one pedestrian (1.06%) with blunt trauma abdomen and lower chest. Allother patients survived and recovered with some morbidity. Conclusion: Road traffic trauma isone of major dilemma of our society. 94 road traffic accidents causalities were admitted duringone year in one surgical unit of a tertiary care center and 3 patients died. It is an alarming signto properly protect people, educate general population, employ dedicated road safety staff andfollow rules and regulation of traffic authorities.

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