
Data on risky eating behaviors (REB) in Latin American ethnic groups is scarce. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of REB in adult indigenous from Colombia, as well as to identify feasible sociodemographic and individual risk factors. A total of 493 records of adult indigenous men and women (Mage=29.5 years, SD=7.39) were retrieved from the National Survey of Mental Health. The REB assessed were: restrictive dieting, eating discomfort, binge-eating and self-induced vomiting. Participants (19.5%) reported having at least one REB, being restrictive dieting (8.5-9.6%) and binge eating (6.1%) those with higher prevalence. None of the sociodemographic factors evaluated was associated with the presence of REB, on the contrary, among the individual factors, the presence of affective disorder showed to be a feasible risk factor for these behaviors. The REB are common in the indigenous population in Colombia, even its prevalence may double the one reported in general population. This study aims to contribute to the scarce existing knowledge about the topic in indigenous populations. Findings that, whether in the medium or long term, should influence the approach of public health policies according to the indigenous minorities in Latin America.

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