
Introduction: Retromolar foramen present in the retromolar area is related with neurovascular contents, which can be manipulated in surgical procedures. So the knowledge of the presence of foramen is important. In this study, presence of retromolar foramen is identified on dry mandibles. Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of the retromolar foramen, its size and shape and the distance of the retromolar foramen from the last socket and the anterior border of mandible and its clinical implications. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted for a period of three months from September 2019 to November 2019. Forty mandibles were observed on both sides for the presence of the retromolar foramen and its size was measured with a divider and ruler to the nearest millimeters and its shape was observed. The distances of the foramen from last molar socket and also from the anterior border of the mandible were measured with a divider and ruler to the nearest millimeters. Results: Among the 80 sides, on 9 sides (11.25%) retromolar foramen was found: 5 (6.25%) on right side, 2 (2.5%) on left side and 1 (1.25%) bilaterally. Conclusion: According to the present study retromolar foramen can be sometimes observed in mandibles. For surgical and anaesthetical procedures in the retromolar area, retromolar foramen is considered as the neurovascular bundle passing through it.

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