
Background: Cricket is a competitive, physically challenging game requiring a wide range of attribute including explosive power strength agility speed and physical and mental toughness. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of posterior ankle impingement syndrome in fast bowlers after ankle sprain. Methods: In this study club level fast bowlers age group ranging from 18-25 years were considered. Selection of the subjects were done as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sample size for study was 152. Purpose and procedure of the study was explained to the subjects. Clinical test such as anterior drawer test and Talar tilt test were performed to diagnosed ankle instability after ankle sprain. Subjects having atleast one test positive was further consider and hyper plantarflexion test were performed to confirmed posterior ankle impingement syndrome. Results: The 68% of players are having posterior ankle impingement syndrome after ankle sprain. Conclusions: The study concludes that there is high prevalence of posterior ankle impingement syndrome in fast bowlers after ankle sprain in players ranging from 18-25 years and involved in cricket for more than 3 years.

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