
Pindang, boiled fish, is one of traditional fish processing products consumed by Indonesian society. Pindang industry at Pelabuhan Ratu, District of Sukabumi, is one of central of fish boiling production in Indonesia with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) scale. The previous result of gap assessment on this SMEs at Pelabuhan Ratu, District of Sukabumi showed that they have not yet applied good manufacturing practices well. Factory cleanliness and sanitation do not meet the requirements of good manufacturing practices. Thus, the research aimed to determine prevalence of microbes on baby tuna fish boiling/pindang product. The research used the proposive sampling method. Samples were taken from producer of baby tuna pindang/fish boiling at Pelabuhan Ratu, District of Sukabumi. The results of the research showed that the prevalence of microbes were TPC 100%, Yeast 100%, <em>Escherichia coli</em> (> 3 APM/g)10%, and Salmonella 80%.


  • Pindang, boiled fish, is one of traditional fish processing products consumed by Indonesian society

  • Factory cleanliness and sanitation do not meet the requirements of good manufacturing practices

  • Samples were taken from producer of baby tuna pindang/fish boiling at Pelabuhan Ratu, District of Sukabumi

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Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel ikan pindang tongkol daerah Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi, aquades, buffer pepton, Plate Count Agar (PCA), Casein-peptone Dextrose Yeast Agar (PDA), lactose broth (LB), Briliant Green Lactose Bile Broth (BGLBB), dan alkohol 70%. Peralatan yang digunakan antara lain refrigerator (merk Samsung), waterbath (merk Grant), cawan petri, gelas piala, gelasa ukur, erlenmeyer, tabung reaksi, lampu bunsen, kertas saring, pipet ukur, bulb, incubator (merk Memmert), colony counter (merk Kenko), blender (merk Philips), autoclave (merk Hirayama), timbangan analitik (merk ACS), termometer, spatula, batang pengaduk, dan mikroskop binokuler

Metode Penelitian Pengambilan sampel
Penentuan total mikroba dan kapang
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